quarta-feira, fevereiro 03, 2010

fita + IFAA

FITA-IFAA Agreement

A Memorandum of Mutual Acknowledgment has been agreed by the Congress of FITA being

the legislative branch of the "Fédération Internationale de Tir à l'Arc" and the World Council of

the "International Field Archery Association" being the legislative branch of the IFAA.

Purpose of this Memorandum

This memorandum concerns the mutual agreed understanding of the role that both parties play

in the world of archery and related sports activities.

FITA is the International Archery Federation representing Archery as foreseen in its objectives

and constitution. IFAA is the International Field Archery Association representing Archery as

foreseen in its objectives and constitution.

Agreement between both parties

Both parties agree to:

- Recognise each other as independent sports organisations

- Respect doping bans on athletes by either party, based on the WADA defined antidoping


- Furthermore standardize rules related to archery equipment

- Cooperate on activities to promote archery as a sport

It has been agreed that both parties will continue to jointly:

- Develop safety recommendations for field and 3D ranges

- Lobby jointly for privileged air transport terms and conditions related to archery

equipment and the conservation of the legal status of owning, handling and using

archery equipment.

- Have a joined field event at the World Masters Games in Sydney which will be

composed of a marked FITA Field Round and a marked IFAA Field Round.

To the members of the international Archery Family

The cooperation between FITA and IFAA was discussed last year at the FITA Congress and this

year at the IFAA Congress. What does it mean?

First of all, this means that there is cooperation between the two archery organisations. Both

have different visions and objectives for the respective organisations, which is why both have a

reason to exist. It doesn’t mean that we will have a merger of the two organisations or that

there will be only one organisation organising events.

What it means is that there is a joined objective which is to develop the sport of Archery

further by working together in certain domains. This includes matters such as equipment rules,

safety and legal requirements, travel with archery equipment, development initiatives and any

other matters of common interest. We also will have from time to time events in which we

cooperate such as the Master Games in Sydney last year.

The wish of both organisations is that the same spirit of cooperation can be developed at

national and local level and that we do not have conflicts that stop the development of the

sport. We wish that in each country a similar agreement of cooperation can be made

that prevents any issues.

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